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Each individual is a unique entity – designed in unique equations of PANCHATATWA & programmed with unique combinations of DNA & KARMA. This programming is an encrypted code that defines the world inside us.

We humans, are the most evolved species of nature, programmed with a sense of awareness , thoughts , Conscience, memories, subconscious layer of the mind & imagination – which evokes a sense of individuality.


When it comes to health & wellbeing – there’s no rule book or standard definition of good- bad , right – wrong that fits for all. It’s all about Discovering your equation that balances your core. Understanding yourself is the first and formative step towards finding your wellbeing mantra.

Air-water – fire – earth – space – we are made of these Panchatatva , the 5 elements. Striking the right balance of these 5 elements leads to a symbiotic function of the life forces – Indriya, Buddhi, Manas & Deha & Prana ! This balanced amalgamation is the secret mantra of your wellbeing, that evokes your inner powers and possibilities!

Decryption of your programming, allows you to understand your blue print which helps you discover your wellbeing formulae. You discover a right lifestyle – nutrition – physical fitness, right people – emotions & relationships , right professions – passion & dreams , your calling – goals & the right path. Practicing & mastering the set of these right choices is your formulae to balance your mechanism .

WBA EDITED Human DNA Concept

When the yoga (union) of the Prana with the panchatatwa & life forces , finds a balance – it re-tunes your frequency & formulae, re-defines your energy & vibrations; it takes you to a state of bliss , elation & contentment, and that’s how we define wellness , at wellbeing Aacharya !

Our body is the host to all – where millions of events are taking place! Would you be able to host a million people without a good team and strong system? That’s exactly what our body does, and it needs to have a solid system to host everyone and let them function in a perfect coordination

Vision & Mission

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Our physical body is a combination and composition of panchatatwa’s. These panchatatwa’s are the life forces of nature & environment that we live in.– We are a part of the Nature , the environment that we live in. Human existence is just a slight, small yet rare part of civilisation – that happened out of Nature’s womb. If Finding the right balance of panchatatwa’s – inside us is a state of well-being for us, imagine the larger than life sickness that we are causing to mother earth by unbalancing its lifeforces ! This is not lack of awareness , it’s a matter of wilful responsibility , that comes only to a happy healthy & aware soul!

At well-being Aacharya – my vision & goal is to help you discover & re-invent your unique self . We aim to guide & assist you in discovering the balance in unique ways to live in a healthy , happy and aware state of being. Which not just enhances your own living experience on this earth inside this body , but also contribute towards the wellbeing of our extended self – our society , country , nature & our planet !


Coming from North Indian Brahmin family, at the age of 3, Veda’s were my first text book with Sanskrit the first reading / writing language; and  Kathak – Indian classical dance form was my only hobby & indulgence !

Started very young in life at the age of 13 as a dance teacher. The society I lived in, was filled with taboos – social, religious, gender, professional & emotional. I started to teach the art form to the lesser privileged children who couldn’t afford and were not allowed to learn classical dance, was breaking one such taboo that I was growing up with.

I was fascinated to see the response and took it forward as a little entrepreneur and started teaching my friends and younger students in our locality to continue to support the cause of lesser privileged – and laid the foundation of kala sadhana academy – where I was known for teaching the art form in a unique personalised way.

The journey became exhilarating when I started attending to individual needs and started focusing on tailor-made – personalised classes to create an experience for my students – that would help them in their studies, physical fitness and mental agility.

Those accomplishments in the process, enhanced myself belief & creativity exploring various possibilities and I started teaching the best minds from top B-schools, IIT’s corporate, government bodies and to especially abled where I would blend wellness & dance with Science, Quantum physics, Math, psychology etc.

Never realised my intuitive experiments & experiences would transform the art-form, the concept of wellbeing & my life. These undefined events marked the journey to take me where I am today. Since a decade and a half, I’ve been practicing as a wellness Aacharya (coach) and evolving through my own style and therapies to help my clients – understand & experience their own definition of wellbeing!

All my therapies are non-invasive, blend of modern science and ancient wisdom, curated to bring out the best from both the worlds!

Every client to every student has been a new experience. Understanding & analysing each client with a black canvas to craft out a unique solution each time is a wholesome process, that elates me every time with each client.

My experience is devoid of labels and degrees and I dedicate all my knowledge to each Student, disciple or client whom I’ve crossed my paths with. My experience with each of them – coming from various walks of life across the globe has been an experiential & heuristic learning to me. I just discovered, understood and accepted myself as an individual with no guilt of not representing a perfect human breed, I tapped in to find my calling. I wish you experience that moment of self-calling to live a content & conscientious life God bless you, and may you find your true self!

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